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13 06, 2021

FAIR data basics

2021-06-13T16:59:31+02:0013/06/2021|Categories: News and Announcements|Tags: , , |

Framed within the context of the ISPAS Project, this course is addressed to all IDIBELL predoctoral researchers. This course focuses on data management, as “good research needs good data”. The modules will follow the three-step concept: (i) manage your data, (ii) make them FAIR, and (iii) if possible, make them open.

7 06, 2021

Storytelling Workshop

2021-06-13T17:22:43+02:0007/06/2021|Categories: News and Announcements|Tags: , |

The workshop aims to provide PhD students with knowledge and professional skills in terms of public speaking, digital communication - with a particular focus on social media, and on LinkedIN specifically - and storytelling, with the ultimate aim of providing them with the right tools to tell something about themselves and their research in a dynamic and engaging way, accessible to a general public and to a potential employer.

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