The ISPAS Project Consortium is build around 7 academic and non-academic partners from Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, and Norway.
The development of the project results will be organized based on the quadruple helix model of collaboration, where consortium’s academic partners collaborate with consortium’s non-academic partners, representatives of industry and public sector, and involve governmental representatives and citizens. In our case, the consortium involves the government and citizens in its development of the courses through its activities with International and Local advisory boards.
Basing on the skills and practical experience of the non-academic partners of the consortium and the real needs of the academic partners of the consortium, the ISPAS project’s outcomes will be courses for acquiring relevant and high-quality enterprise transferable skills, teaching and supervision transferable skills, digital transferable skills, research transferable skills and career development transferable skills (EURODOC transferable skills classification).
The Consortium
Universitetet i Stavanger
4036 Stavanger, P.O. box 8600, Norway
Mikhail Gradovski, ISPAS project coordinator
The University of Stavanger (UiS) on the South West Coast of Norway is situated in the most attractive region in the country, with some 300,000 inhabitants. It offers 5 PhD programmes with 415 candidates (2021 data.)
Stavanger is the oil and energy capital of Norway. In constant collaboration and dialogue with our surroundings, regionally, nationally and internationally, UiS enjoys an open and creative climate for education, research, innovation, dissemination and museum activities.
UiS has an innovative and international profile, and is a driving force in knowledge development and in the process of societal change.
The academic life at the University of Stavanger is organised into six faculties comprising various departments/schools and National Research Centres, as well as the Museum of Archaeology. The university also has a unit for lifelong learning.
Università degli Studi di Torino
- Via Verdi, 8 – 10124 Torino, Italy
- Chiara Inaudi, ISPAS contact person
Founded in 1404, the University of Turin (UniTo) is one of the largest and most prestigious Italian universities, open to international research and training. It carries out scientific research and organizes courses in all disciplines, except for Engineering and Architecture. It is an integral part of the community, acting for reviving urban and suburban areas, promoting cultural interaction, social integration and development, encouraging dialogue and insight into current realities.
Hosting over 79.000 students and with 120 buildings in different areas in Turin and in key places in Piedmont, the University of Turin can be considered as “city-within-a-city”, promoting culture and producing research, innovation, training and employment. There are 22 libraries spread over 32 locations. The Botanic Garden and several University Museums such as “Cesare Lombroso” – Criminal Anthropology Museum and “Luigi Rolando” – Human Anatomy Museum are well known. With reference to PhD education, the University of Torino manages 35 PhD programmes and around 1,000 PhD candidates.
As for internationalization, UniTo is involved in about 500 cooperation agreements with institutions all around the world (South America, Mediterranean countries, India and China, in addition to Europe), including joint educational programs at undergraduate and doctoral level. UniTo manages roughly 500 projects per year, both at the national and international level. The long record of participation of UniTo in the EU strategic research agenda results from 115 FP7 funded research projects and 163 H2020 funded research projects, among which 35 coordinated projects, 13 ERC, 38 Marie Curie Actions (28 running), and 9 Research Infrastructures grants.
Universitat de Girona
- 17003, 38 Maria Aurèlia Capmany str., Girona, Spain
Miquel Sola i Puig, ISPAS contact person
The University of Girona is a public institution and part of the Catalan public university system. It is devoted to excellence in teaching and research and involved in social development and progress through the creation, transmission, dissemination and criticism of science, technology, the humanities, the social and health sciences and the arts. It is an economic and cultural driver of the region with a universal mission and it is open to all the world’s traditions, advances and cultures.
Founded on 12 December 1991, when the Catalan Parliament approved Act 35/1991, creating the new University of Girona, with contributions from various university cultures that have turned Girona into a multidisciplinary benchmark.
These 25 years of history represent a strengthening of the academic offering, an increase in the number of students (from 7,000 in 1992 to 15,338 in 2021), more research and a greater presence both internationally and in the region, as well as the expansion of the campuses, now located in the city centre, Montilivi and Barri Vell.
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Block 8, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Peter Boyvalenkov, ISPAS contact person
The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (IMI-BAS) is the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences’s only research unit in the area of mathematics and one of the country’s leaders in the domains of informatics and computer science.
The Institute’s mission is to conduct high quality research in the field of mathematics and computer science and to provide expertise and assistance in the development and application of the national education programmes in mathematics and informatics at all levels.
The IMI’s research staff are divided into 9 separate departments and one temporary research team. Work is carried out on research themes, grouped into:
- Interinstitutional projects funded by BAS’s budget;
- Projects sponsored by the National Science Fund;
- Projects within European and international programmes;
- Innovation and technology transfer projects.
There are 19 permanent research seminars at the Institute. IMI publishes or supports the publishing of four research journals. The IMI’s Library is considered by our numerous foreign visitors as one of the best mathematical libraries in South-East Europe.
IMI-BAS is well integrated into the global scientific community. Each year the Institute welcomes over 200 foreign scholars, organises 15 international scientific conferences, seminars and schools.
Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo
Fondazione 1563 – Piazza Gianlorenzo Bernini, 5, 10138 Torino, Italy
Virginia Ciccone, ISPAS contact person
The Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura, an independent body set up and administered by
Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, is a cultural foundation specialized in supporting research in the humanities, especially for young scholars who wish to perfect their professional education in order to pursue careers in the cultural sector.
One of the main responsibilities of the Foundation is the conservation and promotion of the Historical Archives of the Compagnia di San Paolo, which preserves material relating to its 450-year-old history. The heritage of the Archives is an important resource for the history of Piedmont and Italy; it is connected to a number of other Italian archives, and it is open not only to scholars and researchers but also to the general public.
The documentation of the Historical Archives of the Compagnia di San Paolo can be accessed and consulted easily in the Foundation’s Digital Archives and Collections. Innovative and versatile tools of research allow researchers and scholars and all those interested, in Italy and abroad, to access the digital archive and browse the archival holdings which the Foundation has made available online. The descriptions are accompanied by digital images. The archive that is accessible online comprises a total of 60,000 items, 400,000 digitized pages that can be consulted and downloaded. In this way 430 years of history are online, together with 4 libraries and a total of 10,000 volumes and 8 biographical collections.
A key element of the Foundation’s strategy is the promotion of multi-disciplinary study and research in the humanities, including research into the archives of the Compagnia, by means of publication. Since 2012 the Foundation has organised a Study Programme on the Age and the Culture of Baroque, with the annual award of advanced research grants and a specially designed programme of cultural initiatives around the theme of ‘Ancient and Modern: Paris, Rome, Turin 1680-1750’. In 2020 the Foundation has also launched a new study programme, the Turin Humanities Programme, devoted to Global History.
The Foundation has been increasingly focusing on the Digital Humanities as a fundamental tool to conduct advanced research and is currently carrying on some projects involving the digital humanities and revolving around the Historical Archives of the Compagnia di San Paolo in order to enhance the accessibility and fruition of its documents and to keep track of the past exhibitions curated by the Foundation. The Foundation coordinates and publishes series and volumes related to the Historical Archives of the Compagnia di San Paolo and to the Baroque Programme – Study programme on the Age and Culture of Baroque. The themes represented cover a very wide range of subjects – the history of art and architecture, literature, philosophy, music, as well as social and political history– from the 16th to the 20th century. The aim is to make available for scholars, universities and cultural institutions the research and other contributions which result from the work of the Foundation in promoting culture, including archives and libraries. The high quality standards of the publications are guaranteed by a qualified scientific board and peer review system.
Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovacion de Burgos (CEEI-Burgos)
Edificio Centro de Empresas, 09007, Burgos, Spain
Juan Carlos Martinez Barrio, ISPAS contact person
Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovacion de Burgos (CEEI-Burgos) was founded in 1994 as a tool specializing in local development under the model, quality criteria and sponsorship of the European Commission, and promoted by regional and local organisations and institutions with a strong commitment to boost the social and economic development of our territory.
The CEEI supports and promotes business projects arising from the entrepreneurial spirit of Burgos city and province. The CEEI helps to develop them and make them come true.
The CEEI is a member of the European Association of CEEIs, EBN, European Business and Innovation Center Network, based in Brussels that brings together more than one hundred and fifty CEEIs of the continent and guarantees its quality with the CEEI trademark.
Fundació Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge
Gran Via de l’Hospitalet, 199-203, 08908, Barcelona, Spain
Raul Delgado Morales, ISPAS contact person
The Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) is a research center in biomedicine promoted by the Bellvitge University Hospital and l’Viladecans Hospital, both from the Catalan Health Institute, the Catalan Institute of Oncology, University of Barcelona and L’Hospitalet de Llobregat city council. In 2017, the Center for Regenerative Medicine of Barcelona (CMR[B]), now part of IDIBELL, launched the Program for Advancing the Clinical Translation of Regenerative Medicine of Catalonia (P-CMR[C]) together with IDIBELL.
IDIBELL research is focused in cancer, neuroscience, translational medicine and regenerative medicine. Research, innovation and society are the axes on which researchers work every day with the goal of improving the quality of life of citizens.
IDIBELL is located in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, south of Barcelona. It is a member of the Campus of International Excellence of the University of Barcelona (HUBc) and Research Centers of Catalonia (CERCA). In 2009, it became one of the first five Spanish research centers accredited as a health research institute by the Health Institute Carlos III. In 2015, the European Commission recognized IDIBELL with the ‘HR Excellence in Research’ award, which identifies IDIBELL as a provider and supporter of a stimulating research work environment.