Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo

PUBLIC SPEAKING (in depth analysis of the different types of communication, focus on public speaking and on how to create a good story, the speech process).
DIGITAL COMMUNICATION (in depth analysis of online communication, the types of public, basics of social media and how to create an editorial plan, focus on the professional use of LinkedIN, how to elaborate a successful communication strategy).
STORYTELLING (in depth analysis of what storytelling is, the characteristics of storytelling, how to build a successful and engaging story regardless of its main topic).
FONDAZIONE 1563 CASE STUDIES (Fondazione 1563 will be presenting a selection of three case studies focused on storytelling, starting from three projects that Fondazione has been developing in the last years, focused on digital humanities and cultural heritage).
The workshop aims to provide PhD students with knowledge and professional skills in terms of public speaking, digital communication – with a particular focus on social media, and on LinkedIN specifically – and storytelling, with the ultimate aim of providing them with the right tools to tell something about themselves and their research in different contexts (academic and non-academic) in a dynamic and engaging way, accessible to a general public and to a potential employer.
The workshop includes both frontal lessons and moments of practical interaction, in which participants will have the opportunity to actively participate in some practical exercises.
- Elisabetta Ballaira, Executive Director, Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura
- Francesca Bocasso, Programma Humanities, Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura
- Virginia Ciccone, Programma Humanities, Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura
- Mariastella Circosta, Programma Humanities, Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura
- Donatella Romano, digital communication specialist
The Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura, an independent body set up and administered by Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, is a cultural foundation specialized in supporting research in the humanities, especially for young scholars who wish to perfect their professional education in order to pursue careers in the cultural sector.
One of the main responsibilities of the Foundation is the conservation and promotion of the Historical Archives of the Compagnia di San Paolo, which preserves material relating to its 450-year-old history. The heritage of the Archives is an important resource for the history of Piedmont and Italy; it is connected to a number of other Italian archives, and it is open not only to scholars and researchers but also to the general public.
The documentation of the Historical Archives of the Compagnia di San Paolo can be accessed and consulted easily in the Foundation’s Digital Archives and Collections. Innovative and versatile tools of research allow researchers and scholars and all those interested, in Italy and abroad, to access the digital archive and browse the archival holdings which the Foundation has made available online. The descriptions are accompanied by digital images. The archive that is accessible online comprises a total of 60,000 items, 400,000 digitized pages that can be consulted and downloaded. In this way 430 years of history are online, together with 4 libraries and a total of 10,000 volumes and 8 biographical
A key element of the Foundation’s strategy is the promotion of multi-disciplinary study and research in the humanities, including research into the archives of the Compagnia, by means of publication. Since 2012 the Foundation has organised a Study Programme on the Age and the Culture of Baroque, with the annual award of advanced research grants and a specially designed programme of cultural initiatives around the theme of ‘Ancient and Modern: Paris, Rome, Turin 1680-1750’. In 2020 the Foundation has also launched a new study programme, the Turin Humanities Programme, devoted to Global History.
The Foundation has been increasingly focusing on the Digital Humanities as a fundamental tool to conduct advanced research and is currently carrying on some projects involving the digital humanities and revolving around the Historical Archives of the Compagnia di San Paolo in order to enhance the accessibility and fruition of its documents and to keep track of the past exhibitions curated by the Foundation.
Learning Materials
The following course materials are available in ISPAS Zenodo community. All files are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.